
目前显示的是 九月, 2018的博文

How does the access control system work? Five stages of access control methods

The purpose of the access control system is set for security. In the work of the access control system, there are generally five stages of access control to ensure that only the licensed person can come in, rather than allowing anyone to enter and exit the facility. This is also the function of the access control system . 1. Authorization of the access control system Authorization is the stage of turning a stranger into a member. The first step is to confirm the card issuer. In the multi-function access controller, we need to determine what people can and cannot do. This should include who can access which door and whether members of the organization can share access. The next step is to set up the access control controller network, authorize the card issuing by the administrator, assign a card to the required personnel, and determine the personnel information by entering the corresponding personnel and the corresponding ID card number. The FC-8940A four-door access controller ca

How to solve the common problems in the use of Metal RFID Card Reader

Metal RFID Card Reader is an important part of the access control system. It is a series of tasks such as reading card information, man-machine interface interaction, and data verification upload. In recent years, as security and security issues have become more and more important, the access control system has shown a rapid development posture, which solves the problems of people's security and management at the entrance and exit. With the increasing use of Metal RFID Card Reader, it is inevitable that some common faults will occur as electronic products. As a peripheral device, Metal RFID Card Reader is the most vulnerable and most common problem in access control systems. Friends who have been exposed to access control products are no strangers to the following situations: after a period of time, the card cannot be recognized and the card swipe speed is slow. After a long time, you need to stick the card close to the card reader to recognize the success, the card reading d

The role and technical type of Metal RFID Card Reader

The Metal RFID Card Reader is a device for reading data from a card. It is an access control component that directly contacts the user. Its function is to read and identify the identity information of the entrant. Typically, identity information can be card number, personal password, fingerprint or other important information used to identify and prove an individual's identity. Metal RFID Card Reader is an important part of the access control system. It is the key equipment for the signal input of the access control system. It is related to the stability of the entire access control system. If an access control system controller and electric lock are good, if the quality of the card reader is problematic, it will also cause the door to open, which will affect the acceptance and use of the project. Metal RFID Card Reader technology type 1. According to the radio frequency division: Low frequency 125KHz: Using radio wavelength 125KHz, standard proximity technology, has bee

Three steps to solve the problem of reading card of Metal RFID Card Reader

Nowadays, the access control system is no longer a mysterious high-tech product, but an increasingly civilian life safety product. However, in the face of such small technical problems, small faults and small problems are often impossible for many people. How can we troubleshoot the problems of the common Metal RFID Card Reader ? Let me briefly introduce the cause and solution of the failure of Metal RFID Card Reader without reading the card. Metal RFID Card Reader can not read the card is caused by what reason, if the access control system just used when everything is normal, the use of the card reader can not read the card for a period of time, to eliminate the problem: Step 1, check if the power supply is working properly; In step 2, check if the card reader is damaged. In step 3, check for strong magnetic interference around the reader. If the above steps are excluded, the Metal RFID Card Reader still does not read the card and can be determined as the following cause

The security features of Metal Access Control, around the actual needs of users

In recent years, with the rapid development of networking and the rise of the Internet of Things, all walks of life rely on the power of networking to achieve rapid development, and new technologies have been widely disseminated and popularized. As a part of the network development, the access control industry has been integrated into the entire industry. Among them, Metal Access Control is recognized by users for its unique metal appearance and high performance. The innovative application of traditional access control and the continuous incubation of Internet access control have brought new challenges and business opportunities to the closed access control field. The outbreak of emerging markets has undoubtedly urged the intensification of industry competition, among which other manufacturing fields, Internet companies or These newcomers to the real estate industry, along with the “squid effect” brought about by their participation, the access control market has become more and

Three application areas of Metal Access Control

Through technological innovation and market upgrades, traditional magnetic stripe cards and proximity card technologies have been difficult to meet market demands. IP-based access control technologies are becoming more mature, and smart Metal Access Control is opening a new era. From the application level, smart access control should be particularly extensive in enterprises, schools, hospitals, governments, banks, prisons, commercial areas, and residential areas. The application of smart Metal Access Control in office buildings Installing Smart Access Control on the company's door can effectively prevent outside salesmen from entering the company to disrupt office order. It can also effectively prevent outsiders from entering the company and ensure the safety of the company and its employees. It is convenient and flexible to arrange any person's permission for each door and opening time, just carry a card, no need to wear a lot of heavy keys, and the security is more rea

Diversified access control systems, Metal Access Control highlights its advantages

In recent years, with the development of proximity card technology and biometric technology, the access control system has undergone a leap-forward development. It has entered a mature stage, and there have been induction card-type access control systems, fingerprint access control systems, iris access control systems, and facial recognition access control systems. They have their own strengths in terms of security, convenience, and manageability, and the application fields of access control systems are becoming wider and wider. Among the many products, Metal Access Control has become the darling of the market with its unique appearance and texture. The HID report shows that the access market will show the following trends in 2018. The widespread use of mobile devices and advanced smart cards highlights the market's need for trusted identity; by combining hybrid solutions with on-premises and cloud, more emphasis is placed on cloud technology development, creating a common

Metal Access Control enters the Internet age

As people pay more and more attention to security, Metal Access Control is more and more popular, and it has won the market with its perfect metal casing and metal texture. As the access control system entered the Internet era, Metal Access Control also began to enter the Internet era. Metal Access Control open door experience is good First of all, Metal Access Control can open the door through EM card and open the door with password. In the Internet era, it has become possible to open the door through mobile phone. The appeal of opening the door of the mobile phone is more convenient. If you need to take out the mobile phone, open the APP, select the access control and then open the door when opening the door. In fact, opening the door in this way can reduce the trouble caused by forgetting to bring the key. Metal Access Control door opening system is more secure The access control system belongs to the security system. The security guarantee is the foundation. It is nec

What is Metal Access Control?

With the rapid development of the economy, people are increasingly demanding technology to serve their lives, and the security industry has also achieved rapid development. Technical defense products based on various modern information science and technology have become an important protective barrier for the social security environment. So what is Metal Access Control ? Generally speaking, the access control system consists of an access controller, a card reader, an exit button, an electronically controlled lock, a card, a door magnet, etc. It is relatively complicated to install a system. After the access control system gradually enters the civilian market, the user accesses the door. The requirements of the system are more simple and flexible. In this demand, there is a simple integrated device of Metal Access Control. Metal Access Control is actually the most complete microcosm of the professional access control system. The front-end identification device and the back-end cont

Comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of Two Doors Access Control Board and mechanical lock

With the widespread use of access control systems , more and more mechanical locks have been eliminated, then as the core of the access control system: What are the advantages of Two Doors Access Control Board ? Below we will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of Two Doors Access Control Board and mechanical lock. Two Doors Access Control Board is highly secure Household access control is a high-tech electronic product. Of course, it is much safer and more reliable than mechanical door locks. For door unlockers, the family access control has no holes, and of course it is impossible to open the door. It is an undisputed fact that the safety and reliability of illegal door opening for home use is very high. However, since home access control is a high-tech electronic product, any electronic product in the world has a long life and may also malfunction. Although some electronic products have a low failure rate, they cannot guarantee failure, so the family has access control.

What should I pay attention to when installing Two Doors Access Control Board?

The installation of Two Doors Access Control Board will always encounter many uncertain situations, and these bad conditions will cause interference in the operation of the access control system. The two-door access controller generally needs to pay attention to the following three aspects: 1. Anti-electromagnetic interference The access control system is inseparable from the card reader. For card readers and door openers, special attention should be paid to electromagnetic interference, especially interference problems such as lighting switches, electric typewriters and computers. When the conditions permit, the reader installation position should be more than 30cm away from the strong electric power supply. 2. Prevent the weakening of transmission signals The installation of Two Doors Access Control Board needs to consider the distance between the controller and the reader. The ideal transmission distance is within 100M. For signal transmission cables, cable shielding and

Two Doors Access Control Board welcomes new opportunities

After more than ten years of development, Two Doors Access Control Board has matured in both functional development and market applications. Related companies are gradually turning their attention to how to increase the added value of the access control system, and hope to integrate more functions with other systems through the access control system. In this trend, the integration of access control systems and video surveillance systems has become a hot spot for many access control vendors. In the current market demand, the types of sales in the access control market are mainly based on 4 doors and Two Doors Access Control Board; according to the output value, the output value of Four Doors Access Control Board accounts for about 50% of the market, Two Doors Access Control Board is about 40%; in addition, single-door and more than four-door controllers account for about 10%; according to the number of products sold, the order is completely inverted, and the sales of single-door a

Practical Security Products Two Doors Access Control Board

As the name suggests, Two Doors Access Control Board is able to manage the access management of two doors or two channels at the same time. It is especially important for the engineering company to choose. The stability and convenience of the Two Doors Access Control Board is self-evident and functional. Practicality is also an important criterion. Choose Two Doors Access Control Board with anti-crash and self-test circuit design. If the access controller crashes, it will make the user unable to open the door or close the door, which will bring great inconvenience to the customer. At the same time, it will increase the maintenance and maintenance cost of the engineer. The access controller must be installed with a reset chip or optional. CPU with reset function, generally 51 series CPU does not have reset function, you need to install reset chip. At the same time, it must have a self-test function. If the circuit crashes due to interference or abnormal conditions, the syste

Access control card is developing rapidly, controlling the smart door lock industry

The smart card industry is mainly engaged in the application of RFID and smart card technology, and is an important part of the Internet of Things industry. Since the smart card industry started in the 1990s, it has only recently emerged in a few years. There is no large monopoly in the industry, and it is an emerging industry with a high degree of marketization. The so-called "one card" refers to the user holding an authorized smart card, which can be used in different places in the specified range at the same time, which can realize the entry control system, shopping consumption, parking system, commuting time and attendance, night patrol system, etc. . These activities will be recorded in time by the card reader and computer, and will be kept for inspection and automated management. After the realization of "one card" management, scientific unified management can be carried out, which not only saves a lot of manpower, but also eliminates the manual labor of

Smart door locks become the "black horse" of the access control system

With the innovation and development of security technology, the access control system is undoubtedly an important part of the entire security product. The whole industry is stable and accompanied by the Internet mode and intelligent mode. The access control system is continuously launched more securely. More intelligent products, and smart door locks have become "black horses" in the access control system . With the development of smart door locks, the level of intelligence of the access control system is promoted. According to statistics, in 2015, the sales volume of smart door locks in China was 1.97 million sets. In 2016, the smart door locks showed a spurt growth in China's market, reaching 404.6. In the past 2017, there has been a rapid growth of 105%. With the rapid development of the economy, the intelligent Internet of Things has made people's pursuit of life more and more safe, and the rapid growth of smart door locks is based on Consumers in the high-end

RFID technology helps the open development of access control systems

With the development of science and technology, security technology has shown a spurt development. Access control systems are widely used in many scenarios around us. The application of RFID technology in access control systems not only promotes the technological innovation of access control systems, but also promotes the open access control system. development of. In recent years, with the development of proximity technology and biometric technology, the access control system has entered a mature stage, and various systems such as induction card type access control system, fingerprint access control system, iris access control system, and facial recognition access control system have emerged. And they have their own strengths in terms of security and convenience. These technologies are also becoming more and more widely used in the field of access control systems. So what is RFID technology? RFID is called radio frequency identification technology. It uses non-contact two-way co

Innovative development of metal access control

In recent years, with the proposal of Safe City, building a smart and safe city has become a strategy for urban development. The access control system has gradually spread to cities, promoting the construction of security cities and building a harmonious and happy life. For metal access control, it is an innovation in the development of access control systems, and it is also a result of high quality pursuit. 1. The new normal of the access control system Advances in technology have made the access control system gradually move from the traditional stand-alone mode to the era of intelligent Internet. The access control system has continuously brought innovation to the security industry, and has become a new medium and new means in security. With the accessibility of the Internet intelligent access control products Into our lives, it plays an increasingly important role. The new normal of the access control system in the future is more flexible, and has great scalability and high

Smart door lock blowout trend, bio-fingerprint is indispensable

Guide: The development trend of smart door locks and blowouts, in which the biological fingerprint function is indispensable! With the country's proposal for smart cities, it has also benefited from the success of technology research and development. Bio-fingerprint technology has become a common new unlocking gesture for people! This also makes the smart home present a new trend! For smart locks as smart home entry-level products, the smart lock market has grown at a very high rate in recent years. According to statistics from relevant market research organizations, the smart door lock market based on biometrics and networking has reached 300 since 2016. About 10,000, the market size will be doubled in 2017, and it is expected to break through 600 to 7 million. It is predicted that by 2020, the entire smart door lock market will reach 60 million or more, and sales will break 66 billion yuan. The industry will enter the blowout period. Intelligent lock development is insepara