
目前显示的是 十二月, 2018的博文

Access control system price

With the continuous improvement of people's quality of life and the continuous advancement of technology, people not only improve their safety awareness, but also raise the requirements for intelligent access control system . From the current point of view, the Access control system is a reliable system that integrates automatic identification, biometrics and other technologies. As an engineering contractor, when purchasing access control equipment, the price of the Access control system must be considered. The password identifies the quotation of the Access control system Incoming access rights are identified by verifying that the entered password is correct. These products are divided into two categories, one is a common type, and the price is $15. The advantages of the ordinary access control machine are: easy operation, no need to carry cards, and low cost; the disadvantage is that it can only accommodate three sets of passwords at the same time, which is easy to leak,

How does the access control Board work?

How does the Access control board work? Simply put, it is the center of the access control system. It is the brain that connects various access control devices. It establishes the communication between the access control card reader, the electronic lock, and the exit switch, and connects through the TCP/IP port. You can see the data of your access control system and the card record on your computer. step 1: access control card reader to read information The pre-recorded card is taken to the outdoor access control card reader for swiping. The access control card reader will read the information on the card and send it to the Access control board . If your device is a networked device, then the access control card is read. The device will send the signal to the Internet (the router is a relay), and the Internet will transmit the information to the Access control board . Step 2: Access control board verification information The running Access control board receives the in

The role of Access Controller in the access control system

If you want to know the role of Access Controller in the access control system, then we first understand what is the access control system, it is composed of access control controller, card reader, electronic lock, card, exit switch, door magnet, access control power supply and other equipment . The Access Controller is located on a device that belongs to the reader. But the Access Controller is run offline (stand-alone), which is equivalent to a small access control device. What is Access Controller Access Controller is an access control product that combines a card reader and an access controller. It is independent and has a networked type. In some high-end Access Controllers, including the keyboard and the display, you only need to connect the power supply to use it as an access control system. Access Controller features 1. You can take the system settings offline without connecting to a computer. 2. At the same time support three ways to open the door: swipe the car

Access Control System wiring fault repair method

As a standard security product configuration for residential communities, Access Control System has been well known in recent years. Access Control System has more and more functions, higher technical thresholds, more and more complex systems, and higher reliability. How should we maintain the Access Control System ? If the user cannot unlock the access control, first check the power of the access control, the connection of the door to the lock is good, check whether the unlocking line is connected, the general push type system is 2 lines, the digital type is 3 lines, and the lock line for the electronic lock is 2 Core wire, it is recommended to use 0.5 square millimeters of cover wire. Solution: First connect the transmission line correctly according to the wiring diagram, and you can use the password unlock mode to lock the test in the field. If the lock can be opened, it is normal to prove that the door to the locked channel is working. If the abnormal wiring of the ac

The impact of advances in biometrics on the development of Access Control

Looking at the history of the development of the whole world, identity identification technology has always been an important topic for human beings to study all the year round. How to use its own carrier data - the inherent physiological characteristics of the human body (face, fingerprint, iris, vein, etc.) for identity authentication has become the core link of modern information security management. In recent years, with the development of biometric technology, Access Control System has developed by leaps and bounds, and has entered a mature stage. The Access Control System , Fingerprint Access Control System, Iris Access Control System, Face Recognition Access Control System The system of various technologies, such as the out-of-order keyboard Access Control System, has its own specialties in terms of security, convenience, and manageability. The application field of the Access Control System is also becoming wider and wider. The application of biometric technology in Acces

Metal Access Control brings a new era of access control

In recent years, metal has gradually become a hot material in the electronics manufacturing industry. Whether it is the Apple mobile phone or other Android mobile phones, the metal concept continues to penetrate our lives and has a superior texture. Nowadays, the appearance of the access control card reader is different. In the middle, Metal Access Control enters our life in the form of “Meiya”. It is incomparably competitive to improve the consumption concept and improve the quality. Today, let’s take a look at a Metal Access Control in the field of cards to show you the access control. "Metal" products in the new era. 1. Excellent performance of Metal Access Control Metal Access Control uses an advanced RF receiver circuit to design an embedded microcontroller, combined with an efficient decoding algorithm, to read various IC cards or ID cards, RFID cards, etc. on the market, and is compatible with 64bits Read-Only EM4100. The ID card has a very good compatible re

The role and basic types of Metal RFID Card Reader

With the continuous development of the access control system, the Metal RFID Card Reader as a reading device has gradually become the darling of the market, and the Metal RFID Card Reader really brings us not only the beautiful appearance, but also the value of its application. Today we will introduce its role and basic types. 1. The role of Metal RFID Card Reader Metal RFID Card Reader is a device for reading data in a card. It is an access control device that directly contacts the user. Its function is to read and identify the identity information of the entrant (identity information includes the card number, Personal passwords, fingerprints or other important personal information used to identify and prove). The metal card reader is an important part of the access control system. It is the key equipment for the signal input of the access control system. If the access control system is compared to a person, the card reader is like a human eye. It is related to the stabilit

What is the best practice for access control?

The best practices of Access control should follow the following installation rules in order to make access control devices better serve people. So focusing on each stage, the access control system solution can be used. Its application is divided into three phases: Planning Access control Set up an Access control solution Operational access control system Planning Access control This stage is the basis of the access control system, which determines the combination mode of the Access Control Board . (At present, the access control mode is based on the card recognition, face recognition, fingerprint recognition and other modes). This stage is the most important stage. First, you need to pay attention to the following two points: 1. Create user-based access: If you are a company's function, you need to effectively manage the company's people, and sometimes not everyone needs access to the area. Therefore, create a plan in which your employees will be clearly ide

What is the access control?

In our daily life, access control can be seen everywhere. It is mainly installed in the entrance and exit of the parking lot, the entrance of the community, the entrance of the school and the door of each factory, etc., so as to manage the entry and exit of the population to ensure the safety inside these places. So do you know what the access control is? Let me introduce you below. 1. What does the access control mean? Access control , also known as the access management control system, is a digital management system that manages the entry and exit of different personnel. At present, common access control systems include: password access control system, inductive IC card access control system, fingerprint access control system, and biometric access control system. Today, the most common in the world is the inductive IC card access control system, because of its high security, convenience and cost-effective. 2. Application of access control At present, the application ra

What is Network Access Control?

In recent years, with the development of networking, some Access control manufacturers have introduced a so-called full-network Access control system, which has become the development direction and hotspot of the future Access control system. So what is the network Access control ? From the point of view of the name, it is a communication with network, with a fast communication speed and strong processing control control center. Network Access control adopts B/S architecture. This processing mode can greatly simplify the client. Only the client machine needs to be compatible, and the development and maintenance work is concentrated on the server. When upgrading, just update. The server-side software can be downloaded over the network, which reduces the cost of maintenance and upgrade of remote user systems. This is valuable for a wide range of customer applications. The greatest convenience lies in any time, anywhere, as long as You can use the browser to access the Internet, you

Common four access control systems

The access control system is a system that controls the entrance and exit passages. It is developed on the basis of traditional door locks. In recent years, with the development of proximity card technology and the development of biometric technology, fingerprint access control systems, iris access control systems, facial recognition access control systems, and the like have emerged. In general, it can be divided into four types of access control systems . Today, Xiaobian takes everyone to understand them. 1. Not connected to the access control system: It is an access control device management door, can not be controlled and managed with computer software, can not see the access record, directly through the device to control. The feature is that the price is cheap, the installation and maintenance is simple, the record cannot be viewed, and it is not suitable for places with more than 50 people. 2. RS485 network access control system: It can be used as an access control devi

Wisdom iris access control system to ensure the safety of residence

The intelligent iris access control system is an example of combining the Internet of Things technology with biometric identification technology for life, and is also one of the components of the iris intelligent community. The intelligent iris access control system is mainly responsible for managing the entry and exit of community personnel to enhance security management and security. 1. Collection of iris access control system Through the iris access control management platform, the portable or self-service iris information collection terminal device placed in the cell issuing center is used to complete the collection and registration of the iris information of the inbound and outbound personnel of the community, and upload to the database. 2. Information comparison of iris access control system After the user performs the iris scan, the iris information recognition terminal device compares the collected iris template information with the previously collected iris databas

Access control entered the fourth stage, and the mobile phone opened its doors to usher in the golden period

Mobile Internet "Internet +" applications have emerged and grown rapidly, and security and IT technology, Internet of Things technology cross-border integration has accelerated. From the early single password Access control system to the card Access control, biometric Access control , the development of intelligent Access control has gone through three stages, and is currently in the golden development period of the fourth generation mobile phone Access control . There are two factors in the arrival of the mobile Access Control era 1. Macroscopically speaking, the rapid development of mobile internet has made the focus of social production and life tools shift from PC to mobile. The interactive way through mobile network is more convenient and faster, and fundamentally improve social production efficiency. It is the trend of the times. 2. Mobile phone applications are maturing, and most of the young people who have grown up in the Internet age have become the main for

Access Control System's response to unexpected events

In the face of emergencies, as a security system that guards the personal and property safety of users, it must take precedence over people's sharpness and processing ability. So what is the access control system 's ability to cope with emergencies? 1. Police handling When a general emergency occurs, the Access Control System can trigger an alarm, such as forcibly entering a controlled channel. The handling process of the police is an important part of the emergency plan. The security management platform can pre-process the process of the alarm for the alarm events in the system. After receiving the alarm, the system will pop up the electronic map according to the programming, call the relevant video, and send the user a text message to remind the user to call the alarm. The situation and the way of handling, for the handling of the police, the authorized personnel on duty must also record the details and confirm the processing. 2. Regional population statistics When

Linkage door access control system

In the Access control system scheme, the linkage door access control is also called the anti-tailing interlocking linkage access control and the AB door access control. It is used to realize the strict control of personnel entering the high prevention area from the low defense area, and is widely used in the bank outlet business hall, the treasury area and the prison. 1. The switch state of the door is judged by the system control state, the lock state and the door magnetic state. It completely eliminates the phenomenon of interlocking failure caused by the “false lock” and “leakage lock” which are easy to occur in the traditional two-door, combined with voice broadcast. To reduce security vulnerabilities. 2. Access records and alarm information can be uploaded to multiple monitoring terminals in real time to ensure smooth information and facilitate timely call by different functional units. 3. The fingerprint identification system and the Access control system adopt the sam

Access Control Board market diversification

Access Control Board is an important part of the security field, an inevitable requirement of the digital society, and an important part of the city's information construction. Nowadays, it has become a modern and fully functional management system. The management of access control has already exceeded the simple management of door locks and keys. The HID report shows that the Access Control Board market will show the following trends in 2018. The widespread use of mobile devices and advanced smart cards underscores the market's need for trusted identity; with a combination of local (on-premises) and cloud-based "hybrid" solutions, more emphasis on cloud technology development for digital identity authentication Create a common management platform; the addition of new IoT applications that connect more people, places and items increases the need to secure the Internet of Trusted Things; trusted identity will continue to penetrate businesses and consumers Daily