Realization and application of wireless encryption technology for IC card access control

With the progress of technology, the access control system has been gradually developed from the original key to the current non-contact card access control system ( IC card access control system). Contactless smart card access control management system has technology advanced, stability, reliability and good cost performance  more than the other access control products, which can be widely used in various industries. In today, IC card application is increasingly wide. IC card access control system, with its access control management of safety, reliability, efficiency, flexibility and convenience, has gradually replaced other locks and become the mainstream of access control system.

Encryption of IC card access control
1. DES algorithm encryption technology
DES algorithm encryption technology chooses symmetric cryptography system, most symmetric algorithms have the same encryption/decryption key and the program design is simple and reliable, the resource cost is smaller than the convention password, the operation speed is high. The disadvantage is that the workload of key distribution, exchange and management is difficult. The pseudo-random sequence generator in the management server generates 56 bits key. Weak key and semi-weak key are automatically deleted. All cards and card readers in the whole system have the serial number and the management server automatically assigns each product serial number to the corresponding key so that it's easy to fininsh the key distribution.
2. State secret cipher algorithm
The popularity of contactless chip cards that support the country's cryptographic code algorithms. Although chip manufacturers have introduced the upgrade chip, but the price, technology popularization and other factors are not accepted by most markets. In order to ensure the healthy and orderly development of smart card market in China. Under the support of the state password administration and organization, the password algorithm has also been highly advocated by a number of integrated circuit chip manufacturers in China and successfully launched related products.
The working mode, system size, security, reliability and system cost of IC card access control system are often contradictory. It is unrealistic to use a so-called standard system model to meet all the requirements in practice. Only by weighing the advantages and disadvantages and selecting the scheme according to the specific situation, can the practical system be designed.

By: Guangzhou Fcard Electronics Co., Ltd



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